Pop Sonality Quiz with Quarry!

Photo by @televisetruth

Pop Sonality Quiz with Quarry: 
Fave Film: Interstellar.
Fave Series: Utopia (UK). 
Fave Singer/Band: I don't really have one, so I think by default it must be myself! I like who I am as a person and the songs I put out are like little pieces of me. It would be harsh not to love them when they say so much about who I am. I feel really lucky in that regard. A lot of people struggle to enjoy things that they have doubts about if they're good enough. I left those doubts in the room where I wrote the song. At a certain point, you just have to say 'If I made a mistake then I made it for the right reasons. Perfect music doesn't exist, and I feel happy with my imperfections. I still feel like I've got so much I want to say with my music, I'm far from the place I like to be, and I know I'll never really get there, but it's the process you go through to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. That's the place where we can do great things.
Fave Album: Time & Place by Lee Moses. It means a lot to me for reasons too long to go into, but I have this theory about the album. I think this is a guy who was struggling, and who never really made it, but fortuitously had the opportunity to make an album. You can hear how sloppy the house band is like they only just learned the songs. I think this album was made in a weekend, and I think the opportunity only came to Lee because he was there at the right time, and the right place to meet someone that just so happened to have a recording studio free for 2 days. You can hear in Lee's voice that he feels like this is his one shot. Like he might never get another chance like this, and he's pouring his everything into all these songs he wrote that mean everything to happen. Sadly the album was a flop and he didn't do much again, so it really was the only time he got to show us who he really was. How many stories like his are there in the world? But it touches my heart to hear him living.
A Song to Dance: Lee Moses - Bad Girl
A Song to Make Love: Hether - When U Loved Me
Fave Artist: Same as fav singer/band
Fave Destination: Quarry - No Ordinary Love. Listen to it and see if you get what I'm trying to say by picking that song as my answer. 
Your Dream Collaboration: I'd love to get in a room with Kanye and write just to see if I'm right about him. I like to think I'd tell him what I thought was shit and give him the hard truths. A lot of people find it harsh to work with people they respect, how can you contradict the opinion of someone whose music has fone for them what you would like to do for yourself? But the reality is that no artist wants to be held in reverence when you're doing a collab. It has to be mutual respect or you don't have someone to bounce your bad ideas off and make them better, they would just respect you too much to tell them they're bad. So I'd
love to tell Kanye he's full of shit, and see if we do something good. Sometimes it doesn’t work out.
Describe your Work: Me reaching out and trying to connect with people who've felt the things I've felt, and maybe see things in a similar way. I feel like the best way to understand who I am as a person is through my music. But you have to be looking for it. But on the surface, it's some catchy alternative pop songs sung with an interesting voice.

Instagram: @quarrywastaken

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