Ten Records with Pop Sonality you may have missed in 2021!


These albums for sure will make it to your best of the year list, so give them a chance before closing! Let’s start! 

(Cover Artwork above) 

Hubert Lenoir Pictura de ipse : Musique directe (2021) 
Best Song: Secret.
Instagram: @lebaronbandit 

Sega Bodega Romeo (2021)
Best Song: Angel on my Shoulder. 
Instagram: @segabodega 

Laura Mvula Pink Noise (2021)
Best Song: Got me.
Instagram: @lauramvula 

Erika de Casier Sensational (2021)
Best Song: Drama.
Instagram: @erikadecasier 

Noga Erez Kids (2021)
Best Song: End of the Road. 
Instagram: @nogaerez 

Mike Kayihura Zuba (2021)
Best Song: Zuba.
Instagram: @mikekayihura 

MIKE "Disco!" (2021)
Best Song: Big Love. 
Instagram: @slumsnyc @mikelikesrap

Queralt Lahoz Pureza (2021)
Best Song: De la cueva a los olivos. 
Instagram: @queralt_lahoz 

DJ Toner Blessed are the weird people (2021)
Best Song: Dream Rap.
Instagram: @djtoner_official 


Kacy Hill Simple, Sweet, and Smiling (2021)
Best Song: Seasons Bloom. 
Instagram: @kacyhill

Hey Mr. DJ put a record, I wanna dance with my baby!                                                     

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