
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2024

📸 Kat Buckles shares with Pop Sonality her 10 Tips for Aspiring Photographers.

 đź“¸ @fotowanderex shares with Pop Sonality her 10 Tips for Aspiring Photographers: 1. Don’t be afraid to have your own style. Trying to force your photos to look like something you think is popular won’t be fulfilling or rewarding. It’s ok to think outside the box.  2. Ask for help. Whether it’s asking friends to model for you or asking for help with the editing process, you will go further with support and fresh eyes than you will all alone.  3. Don’t shy away from using your phone when it’s the only camera you have. They can still take great photos of an unexpected moment. 4. Try not to get bogged down in social media stats or likes. 5. Look at the work of other photographers and see what resonates with you. Allow yourself to be inspired by different styles.  6. Don’t be afraid to submit to open calls, publications, or galleries. Putting yourself out there helps you grow. 7. Experiment- with light, movement, color, flash, etc. You may find you have a talent for something unexpected. 

📸 James Brouwer shares with Pop Sonality his 10 Tips for Aspiring Photographers.

  📸 James Brouwer 🇨🇦 shares with Pop Sonality his 10 Tips for Aspiring Photographers: My 10 “Rules” For Those Considering Art Photography.  I have been asked by Popsonality to devise a list of rules for photographers along the line of Martin Parr’s recent list for WePresent. Well, I’m no Martin Parr, and he’s pretty much said it all anyhow. At most I can suggest what has worked for me (an outdoor, digital photographer of scapes & things, not people). And I’m not providing “rules” per se; they’re somewhere between musings and Eno-esque “strategies”. Take ‘em or leave ‘em: 1. Look / learn / love visual art. As per Mr. Parr’s initial rule, it really pays to appreciate what other photographers have done, find what works for you, and then see what happens when you bring that influence to your own work. I would only add that it helps to look beyond canonical photography to painting, collage, sculpture, film, vernacular photography, etc. All of vision can influence your eye, and is you