💥 Stavros Andreas Kostakis has Pop Sonality!

 ðŸ’¥ @stankostakis has Pop Sonality! 

💥 ¿Quién eres? Vivo en Atenas, Grecia. De 9 a 5, de lunes a viernes trabajo como ingeniero en una empresa de robótica. El resto de mi semana se divide entre ser socio, padre de dos niños encantadores y un apasionado fotógrafo callejero.

¿Qué haces? Camino por las calles y tomo fotos de personas durante sus actividades cotidianas. Me fascinan las caras interesantes, las reacciones graciosas y las bellas escenas callejeras. Al disparar principalmente con una lente ancha y un flash, me acerco a los sujetos y trato de resaltar la intimidad y capturar emociones.

Influencias e inspiración: la audacia y el acento dinámico de las fotografías de Bruce Gilden, la fotografía poco convencional de William Klein y la estética instantánea del estilo de Garry Winogrand son algunos de los elementos que más han afectado mi estilo fotográfico y mi visión.

💥 Who are you? I live in Athens, Greece. 9 to 5, Monday to Friday I work as an engineer at a robotics company. The rest of my week is divided between being a partner, a father of two lovely boys and a passionate street photographer. 

What do you do? I walk the streets and take shots of people during their everyday activities. I am fascinated by interesting faces, funny reactions, and beautiful street scenes. By shooting mostly with a wide lens and a flash, I come closer to the subjects and try to bring out intimacy and capture emotions.

Influences and inspirations: The audacity and dynamic accent of Bruce Gilden’s pictures, the unconventional shooting of William Klein and the snapshot aesthetic of Garry Winogrand’s style are some of the elements that have affected my shooting style and vision the most. 

💥Full story about this shooting: 

In addition, I would like to share with you a funny story behind this shooting.

It was a Saturday morning in September and I was shooting people in Athens downtown. 

Generally during the shooting I'm polite, I smile and I compliment people. However in most cases I do not ask for their permission to shoot in order not to lose their spontaneous reactions.

On this occasion I took a picture of Evellyn ( @cyprianaaaa ), a beautiful trans woman, as she was passing by, and when she saw me she requested that I delete it. I explained that this is my passion and that there is nothing for her to feel bad about. Furthermore I told her that she is really beautiful and she should be photographed.  She thought for a few moments and asked me to take a few shots and then send them to her. I took a few shots and we had fun. We exchanged numbers and we went our way.

An evening after a few weeks me and my partner were in our living room and we suddenly saw Evellyn on the TV participating at the audition of  the GNTM show (Greece's Next Top Model). I immediately texted her and congratulated her for having the courage to participate in the show.

She finally did not manage to enter the show but that's irrelevant.  What is relevant is that I had made a friend, a very polite and warm person.

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