馃崁 Luciano Luz has Pop Sonality!

馃尡 @thisislucianoluz has Pop Sonality! 

馃尡 Who are you? My name is Luciano Luz, I am a psychologist and an artist from Brazil.

What do you do? I work in various mediums and techniques such as performance, photo-performance, photography and collages. 

Influences and inspiration: I explore themes such as spirituality providing a dialogue about awakening and the way of understanding the society in which we live.

馃尡¿Qui茅n eres? Mi nombre es Luciano Luz, soy psic贸logo y artista de Brasil.

¿Qu茅 haces? Trabajo en diversos medios y t茅cnicas como performance, foto-performance, fotograf铆a y collages.

Influencias e inspiraci贸n: Exploro temas como la espiritualidad brindando un di谩logo sobre el despertar y la forma de entender la sociedad en la que vivimos.



#psychology #psychologist #brazil #brasil #art #spirituality #dialogue #awakening #society #think #thinking #life #live #dialogue #explore #collage #photography #performance #photoperformance #noise #nature #naturaleza #conversation #popsonality #collageartist


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